Providing Erin Wisconsin Condominium Roof Repair and Replacement Services to Condo Associations of all Sizes
Condo Roof Repair in Erin for Condos including shingle, metal, flat, membrane, TPO, Bitumen, and more!
Condominium Roof Repair for Erin Condo Complexes and Their Condominium Associations; what you as board members and residents need to know before repairing your damaged condominium roof or replacing it.
When it comes condo roof repair, there are many things to consider, and most have them rely on choosing the best commercial roofing contractor with condominium roof repair and replacement expertise in your area. Additionally, not all condo roofs are constructed in the same ways and from the same materials, finding the right condominium roofing company that also has experience in roof inspections and construction is also a must. With many different roofing materials available, and with a failing roof yourself, how do you know if the original material and construction were the right choices, and how do you know what your choice should be moving forward. Your commercial roofing company shouldn’t be just that, a roofing company, they need to be subject matter experts, and that’s exactly what you get at South Shore Roofing when you engage our professional roofing experts for your Erin project!
What Makes a Condominium Roofing Company The Best Roofing Company for Your Condominium Roof Repair or Replacement?
For starters, you just can’t replace experience. You need to choose a roofing company with experience, but even more so than that, a roofing company that has at it’s core, craftsman, estimators and project managers that have experience. Ask for references, ask for credentials, ask for anything you need to make you feel comfortable that you have chosen the right roofing company for the job. Do they have experience in the roofing material needing repair? If you have a flat roof, are they qualified to perform the work on such a roofing structure? If you need a roof replacement, are they qualified to present you with the options available for your roof, or are they only experts in one type of roofing material, and as such only present the solution they provide and not the one you need? You need an agnostic commercial roofing contractor that will give you an unbiased opinion and set of options so you can choose the one that best suites you and your association needs.
Always Look for a Value Based Condominium Roofing Contractor You Can Trust
South Shore Roofing is the leader in value-based roofing repair and replacement, including those projects for condominiums. But what does that mean? The most important thing to consider after you find a qualified roofing company for your condominium roof repair or replacement project, is to determine who offers the best value. Value does not equate to price, but value is the more important factor when choosing your commercial roofing contractor. There are quite a few components when assessing value among contractors, and sometimes they can be elusive, but most of them are critical to choosing a roofer for your job.
Value Components
- Qualifications
- Subject Matter Expertise
- Timing to Start and Finish Project
- Quality of Roofing Materials and Experience With
- Reliability
- Presentation of Project Materials and Bids
- References
- Proper Liability Insurances, Licenses, and Documentation
- Itemized Bid Proposals (very important to ensure you get what you pay for)
- Cleanliness of Job Site on a Daily Basis (get references)
- Perform Background Checks on all Internal Employees
- Have no Outstanding Complaints with Your Local Building Department (info below for reference)
- Have the Necessary Construction Experience Needed to Address Roof Structure Needs & Recommendations
- Will Commit to Timetables and Meet Them (many companies drag out projects putting the buildings envelope at risk of negative effects)
- Does The Contract Have Conditions They Have to Meet as Well as You the Client?
In a nutshell the overall value you receive from a vendor is comprised of all of the things you need to ensure a proper roofing job not just for today, but for the future. In this case an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and if it seems too cheap to be true, it probably is. When you hire the right condominium roofing company that itself hires well qualified and credentialed roofing contractors and project managers, and they in turn recommend the proper repairs and associated materials needed, and they get installed properly, leading to all of the manufacturers warranties being enforceable, you are ensured you have a great repaired or finished roof you can count on for years to come. This is one job you don’t want t skimp on and hire the low cost provider. When shortcuts are taken, it has been proven you can reduce the lifespan of any roof by as much as 80% plus. In some cases using the wrong materials, or even worse, using the wrong installation processes, you can completely void the manufacturer’s warranty on materials, and be looking at a complete replacement in less than one year. You heard that right…If you install a cedar shake roof wrong, it can lead to complete deterioration in 6 months or less. The cost of replacing or repairing poor roofing work can be astronomical, and those repairs can come in short order. By hiring a value leader like South Shore Roofing, you can mitigate premature deterioration, ensure enforceable warranties, giving you the security and comfort, you need to know your roof will last it’s expected lifespan, or someone else will be on the hook for its repair. Paying a fair price, for great value is definitely the way to go when choosing your condominium roofing contractor.
You can always call your local building department to see if any complaints have been filed in your town regarding any roofing contractor for violations, or general complaints.
Erin Building Department
109 N Main St
Hartford, WI 53027
Work with a Condominium Roofing Company That Understands the Needs of Your Condominium Association Board as Well as it’s Community Members
Understanding how Condominium Associations work is also critical to the process, ensure you have like-minded people engaged from the outset to assess roof damage, create a repair plan, and understand how that plan is impacted by reserve budgets not only today, but in the years to come. I many cases we can minimize long term roofing maintenance, repairs, and replacements by scheduling out planned and budgeted work so that your association can be prepared for most roofing repair and replacement expenses.
We also have resources to help with capital needs assessments for your association so the board can plan safely and comfortably. We can help with situation assessments, or comprehensive capital assessments provided for by some of the nation’s premier capital assessment experts. Why not engage South Shore Roofing today and be prepared for the future!
We are fully licensed and bonded. We also have one of the best track records of any roofing company in Wisconsin.
South Shore Roofing is not just a commercial roofing contractor specializing in condominium roof repair and replacement, we are general contractors with deep commercial experience. We can provide any and all of your general repair, updates, upgrades and assessment services when it comes to your condominium complexes structures and systems. Additionally, because we also perform residential contracting services for clients, we understand the fine balance behind commercial decision making taken by a business management group like your Condo Association Board, as well as understanding the intricacies of working with homeowners direct. That gives us the very specific experience you need to balance board and member ownership when it comes to expenses, work schedules, and the personal side of contracting disruption and workplace policies and procedures.
Commercial Roof Inspections from South Shore Roofing, the Value and Quality Leader in Commercial Roofing and Roof Contracting Services in Wisconsin
Roof damage isn’t always visible and can be often overlooked, leaving your roof system to deteriorate over time. South Shore Roofing commercial roof inspectors are trained and knowledgeable to examine critical areas of your roof to identify any potential damage or weak spots, as well as to address the extent and severity of any, and all damage to your roof, and make the necessary repair or replacement recommendations.
Your Commercial Roof Inspection Comes with a Report Consisting of the Following
- Photographs of critical areas of need
- Detailed written assessment of the roofs current condition and current and future needs
- Repair or replacement paths
- Repair estimates for insurance claims
- Sit down meeting to discuss the report and determine next steps
Common Commercial Roof Failures and Signs of Potential Issues with Commercial Membrane Roofs
Roof Membrane Punctures
Punctures or holes in the roof membrane material can occur for a variety of reasons, material penetration from tree limbs, penetration from worker error, poorly mounted or installed rooftop HVAC equipment, etc. These punctures can be repaired by fusing or welding new membrane material
Open Seams
Open seams can occur when the roof membrane deteriorates due to issues or age. These can also be fixed with welding or fusing and replacement of membrane material
Pooling or Ponding Water
When roof drains fail, rain water tends to pool or “pond” in areas of the roof and standing water on your roof can be a major issue and lead to accelerating roof deterioration. Having your drains inspected for blockage and having any blockage cleared is the first step
Blocked or Clogged Roof Drains
Blocked or clogged roof drains, including roof downspouts and gutters can cause issues with pooling or ponding water on the roofs surface that will lead to roof leakage, and accelerated roof material deterioration
Bridging Walls
Bridging walls on the roof are usually a sign that the roof is nearing its age out, and considerations for a roof replacement should be considered or discussed. It can also be from poor initial installation. This can be repaired if this is the case.
Fastener Failure and Backout
When the membrane fails and water penetrates the surface material the roof contracts and expands more than the tolerances allowed forcing the fasteners to “backout” and creating a situation where the roofing envelope is compromised. These fasteners must be replaced after a full inspection of the roofing sub base and membrane are inspected and repaired as necessary.
Failing Caulk
This is the most common commercial roof failure with membrane roofs and occurs when caulk ages. This can lead to serious roof issues if left unchecked. Annual roof inspections can help you determine when roof caulking needs to be repaired and replaced. This is also one of the easiest roof repairs to make as it entails removing the old caulk, cleaning the locations, and resealing with new caulking.
Blisters occur when air gets trapped under the membrane. This requires the removing of the affected area, alleviation of the blister, and the replacement of new membrane material that is fused or welded in place with manufacturers approved processes.
When it comes to other types of commercial roofing material repairs and replacement needs, we offer a full suite of services. Common failures on these roofs are:
- Failing shingles
- Fastener failure and backout
- Flashing failure
- Ice and water shield failure
- Poor roof venting
- Punctured surfaces
- Issues with roofing sub decking
Schedule an Appointment to Assess Your Condominium’s Roof and Understand What Your Roof Repair Entails in Terms of Repair Scope and Costs
Is your Condo Association faced with roof damage from a recent windstorm, hail, or just plain old years of exposure to the elements, or even worse, pure neglect? You should contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our condominium roof repair experts right away. Our team of trusted condominium roofing contractors will be happy to work with you! 906-296-3127